
Let me off the grid! A journey toward artful, holistic living in the middle of Sin City...

A journey toward artful, holistic living in the middle of Sin City...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Follow Your Bliss

Joseph Campbell was fond of telling his students to "follow their bliss" as a guide to finding what they wanted to do in life.  I always loved this piece of advice, but could never narrow down exactly what my "bliss" was.  So many things interest me, none of which are able to put food on the table or a roof over my head.  So I dabble with a zillion different activities when I'm not at my "day job."  But I don't think any of these things are my "bliss."

I was talking with my drumming teacher and he suggested that a good starting point would be to find the thing that makes time stop for me and do that.  A lot.  And then I immediately knew:  art and drumming.  When I'm immersed in a piece of art, hours can go by without my knowing it.  When I'm practicing my drumming, it's the same thing.  The next hurdle is allowing myself to do those things without being distracted by all those mundane "shoulds" and "oughts."

So what about you?  What makes time stop for you?  What is your bliss?

1 comment:

Paula Guhin said...

I know exactly what you mean, kiddo...when I paint and collage, the time whizzes by with me grinning foolishly the whole way, enjoying every minute.