
Let me off the grid! A journey toward artful, holistic living in the middle of Sin City...

A journey toward artful, holistic living in the middle of Sin City...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Second Season Planting

The weather today is so beautiful -- a hint of what is to come.  We were able to leave the windows open last night.  Such a treat to have "real" air in the house.  This morning I cleaned out a couple of beds and made this tepee for the scarlet runner beans I planted.  (The tepee is made from old torches that were unusable.  I love to re-purpose!)  I don't know if we'll get beans before cold weather sets in, but hopefully we'll get some flowers for the bees.  I noticed a very happy bee hanging out around my cucumber flowers today.  Perhaps she'll invite her friends...

Also in the ground:  yellow wax beans, purple bush beans, radishes and peas.  I'll put in lettuces and kale in the next few days.  So happy to be outside working without heat exhaustion!

1 comment:

Gayle said...

I don't know how you manage that heat!! It has been low 80's here and that zaps me. Like your bean tepee clever girl!!
I am going to plant a few things for a second go around here too. not as much as you, but some greens and will get some garlic in for next year.
Glad it's cooling off a bit for you!!