
Let me off the grid! A journey toward artful, holistic living in the middle of Sin City...

A journey toward artful, holistic living in the middle of Sin City...

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

The BEST fireworks came last night in the form of a huge thunderstorm that moved through the valley.  I haven't seen so much rain and lightning in years.  The best part was that it occurred during our drum circle.  Having Mother Nature drumming along with us was an incredible gift.  The worst part was the drive home.  The streets were dangerously flooded and there were several times I was tempted to turn back.  Flash flooding is nothing you want to mess with around here.  But we all moved slowly and cautiously and everyone got through without mishaps -- at least where I was driving.  This morning there is a delightful humidity in the air and everything looks so green.  Thank you, Mama!

My corn is not knee high (anyone else out there grow up with the "knee high by the 4th of July" saying?), but it is holding its own, along with the pumpkins:

May your celebrations of independence bring you profound appreciation of freedom and what it means in all areas of your life!

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